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+# mtt(multitool)
+A multi-tool that performs various operations on files within a directory. Currently, it supports the following features.
+## Usage
+`npm insatll -g @riq0h/mtt`
+## `mtt -r`
+Bulk renames filenames within a directory. When launched, `$EDITOR` is called, allowing you to flexibly edit with any editor.
+## `mtt -c`
+Compresses individual files within a directory. If no filenames are specified, all files will be targeted.
+## `mtt -i <files...> -p <value>`
+Resizes image files (`.jpg`, `.jpeg`, `.png`, `.gif`, `.webp`) within a directory. The `-p` option is required to specify the resize ratio.
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
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+#!/usr/bin/env node
+import { Command } from "commander";
+import { version, description } from "../package.json";
+import { renameFiles, compressFiles, resizeImages } from "./lib";
+const program = new Command();
+  .option("-r, --rename", "rename files in bulk. $EDITOR will be launched")
+  .option(
+    "-c, --compress [targets...]",
+    "compress files individually. If no file name is specified, all files in the directory will be targeted",
+  )
+  .option(
+    "-i, --image <files...>",
+    "resize image files. File name and -p option are required",
+  )
+  .option("-p, --percentage <value>", "specify the resize percentage")
+  .action((options) => {
+    try {
+      if (options.rename) {
+        renameFiles();
+      } else if (options.compress) {
+        compressFiles(options.compress === true ? undefined : options.compress);
+      } else if (options.image) {
+        if (!options.percentage) {
+          throw new Error(
+            "resize percentage must be specified with the -p option for image resizing.",
+          );
+        }
+        resizeImages(options.image, Number(options.percentage));
+      } else {
+        program.help();
+      }
+    } catch (error: unknown) {
+      if (error instanceof Error) {
+        console.error("error:", error.message);
+        process.exit(1);
+      }
+    }
+  });
+if (!process.argv.slice(2).length) {
+  program.help();
diff --git a/src/lib.ts b/src/lib.ts
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+export { renameFiles } from "./commands/rename";
+export { compressFiles } from "./commands/compress";
+export { resizeImages } from "./commands/resize";
+export type { RenameOperation } from "./commands/rename";
+export type { CompressOperation } from "./commands/compress";
+export type { ResizeOperation } from "./commands/resize";