From 585d39bbc56855314c90a402a9ba861327faa957 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rikuoh Tsujitani Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 09:35:01 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] fix --- dotfiles | 1022 ------------------------------------------------------ 1 file changed, 1022 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 dotfiles diff --git a/dotfiles b/dotfiles deleted file mode 100644 index 4c47fab..0000000 --- a/dotfiles +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1022 +0,0 @@ -----GENERAL SETTINGS -local opt = vim.opt -vim.g.mapleader = " " -opt.helplang = "ja", "en" -opt.tabstop = 2 -opt.shiftwidth = 2 -opt.expandtab = true -opt.list = true -opt.listchars = { tab = "»-", trail = "-", eol = "↲", extends = "»", precedes = "«", nbsp = "%" } -opt.wrap = true -opt.signcolumn = "yes" -opt.smartcase = true -opt.ignorecase = true -opt.wrapscan = true -opt.hidden = true -opt.startofline = false -opt.showmatch = true -opt.matchtime = 1 -opt.guicursor = "" -opt.cursorline = true -opt.wildmenu = true -opt.number = true -opt.showcmd = true -opt.autoread = true -opt.hlsearch = true -opt.backspace:append({ "indent", "eol", "start" }) -opt.showtabline = 1 -opt.laststatus = 3 -opt.ambiwidth = "single" -opt.confirm = true -opt.pumblend = 0 -opt.winblend = 0 -opt.mouse = "a" -opt.cmdheight = 2 -opt.timeout = true -opt.ttimeout = true -opt.ttimeoutlen = 10 -opt.clipboard:append({ "unnamedplus" }) -opt.termguicolors = true -opt.showmode = false -opt.completeopt:append({ "menuone", "noinsert" }) -opt.backup = false -opt.swapfile = false -opt.encoding = "utf-8" -opt.fileencodings = { "utf-8", "iso-2022-jp", "cp932", "euc-jp", "sjis" } -vim.opt.shortmess:append("I") -vim.cmd("set completeopt-=preview") - -----ADVANCED SETTINGS - ---KEEP CURSOR -vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufReadPost" }, { - pattern = { "*" }, - callback = function() - vim.api.nvim_exec('silent! normal! g`"zv', false) - end, -}) - -----KEY MAPPING - ---EDIT -vim.keymap.set("n", "ew", ":w") -vim.keymap.set("n", "eq", ":wq") -vim.keymap.set("n", "Q", ":quit!") -vim.keymap.set("n", "q", ":bd") -vim.keymap.set("n", "", ":%s///cg") -vim.keymap.set("n", "", ":echo wordcount()['chars']") -vim.keymap.set("v", "i", "iW") -vim.keymap.set("o", "i", "iW") -vim.keymap.set("n", "U", "") -vim.keymap.set("i", "", "gUiwgi") -vim.keymap.set("i", "", "guiwgi") -vim.keymap.set("i", "", "bgUlgi") -vim.keymap.set("n", "i", function() - return vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.getline(".")) == 1 and '"_cc' or "i" -end, { expr = true, noremap = true }) -vim.keymap.set("n", "A", function() - return vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.getline(".")) == 1 and '"_cc' or "A" -end, { expr = true, noremap = true }) -vim.keymap.set("n", "", function() - return string.format("move-1-%d=l", vim.v.count1) -end, { expr = true, noremap = true }) -vim.keymap.set("n", "", function() - return string.format("move+%d=l", vim.v.count1) -end, { expr = true, noremap = true }) -vim.keymap.set("v", "", ":move'<-2gv=gv") -vim.keymap.set("v", "", ":move'>+1gv=gv") - ---TAB -vim.keymap.set("n", "", ":bprev", { silent = true }) -vim.keymap.set("n", "t", ":tabclose", { silent = true }) -vim.keymap.set("n", "]b", ":bnext", { silent = true }) - ---SPLIT -vim.keymap.set("n", "sv", ":vsplit", { silent = true }) -vim.keymap.set("n", "sp", ":split", { silent = true }) - ---NOP -vim.keymap.set("n", "", "") -vim.keymap.set("n", "<2-MiddleMouse>", "") -vim.keymap.set("n", "<3-MiddleMouse>", "") -vim.keymap.set("n", "<4-MiddleMouse>", "") -vim.keymap.set("i", "<1-MiddleMouse>", "") -vim.keymap.set("i", "<2-MiddleMouse>", "") -vim.keymap.set("i", "<3-MiddleMouse>", "") -vim.keymap.set("i", "<4-MiddleMouse>", "") -vim.keymap.set("n", "qq", "") -vim.keymap.set("v", "qq", "") -vim.keymap.set("n", "ZZ", "") -vim.keymap.set("n", "ZQ", "") -vim.keymap.set("n", "", "") -vim.keymap.set("n", "", "") -vim.keymap.set("n", "x", '"_x') -vim.keymap.set("v", "x", '"_x') -vim.keymap.set("n", "X", '"_D') -vim.keymap.set("n", "s", '"_s') - ---MOVE -vim.keymap.set("n", "k", "gk") -vim.keymap.set("n", "j", "gj") -vim.keymap.set("n", "", "gk") -vim.keymap.set("n", "", "gj") -vim.keymap.set("n", "O", ":call append(expand('.'), '')j") -vim.keymap.set("n", "sh", "h") -vim.keymap.set("n", "sj", "j") -vim.keymap.set("n", "sk", "k") -vim.keymap.set("n", "sl", "l") -vim.keymap.set("n", "sH", "H") -vim.keymap.set("n", "sJ", "J") -vim.keymap.set("n", "sK", "K") -vim.keymap.set("n", "sL", "L") -vim.keymap.set("n", "m", "(matchup-%)") - ---COPY -vim.keymap.set("n", "p", "]p") -vim.keymap.set("n", "P", "]P") -vim.keymap.set("v", "p", "P") -vim.keymap.set("v", "y", "mzy`z") -vim.keymap.set("n", "o", "copy.") -vim.keymap.set("n", "O", "copy-1") -vim.keymap.set("v", "o", ":copy'<-1gv") -vim.keymap.set("v", "O", ":copy'>+0gv") - -----PLUGINS - ---MANAGER -local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim" -if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then - vim.fn.system({ - "git", - "clone", - "--filter=blob:none", - "", - "--branch=stable", - lazypath, - }) -end -vim.opt.rtp:prepend(lazypath) -require("lazy").setup({ - defaults = { lazy = true }, - { "nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim", event = "UIEnter" }, - { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", cmd = "Telescope" }, - { - "nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim", - build = "cmake -S. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build build --config Release && cmake --install build --prefix build", - cmd = "Telescope", - }, - { "nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim", cmd = "Telescope file_browser" }, - { "lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim", config = true, event = "BufReadPre" }, - { "ryanoasis/vim-devicons", event = "UIEnter" }, - { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", event = "UIEnter" }, - { "williamboman/mason.nvim", event = "BufRead", cmd = { "Mason", "MasonInstall" } }, - { "williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim", event = "BufReadPre" }, - { "jay-babu/mason-null-ls.nvim", event = "LspAttach" }, - { "jay-babu/mason-nvim-dap.nvim", event = "LspAttach" }, - { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", event = "BufReadPre" }, - { "nvimtools/none-ls.nvim", event = "LspAttach" }, - { "mfussenegger/nvim-dap", event = "LspAttach" }, - { "rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui", event = "LspAttach" }, - { "nvim-neotest/nvim-nio", event = "LspAttach" }, - { "theHamsta/nvim-dap-virtual-text", config = true, event = "LspAttach" }, - { "suketa/nvim-dap-ruby", config = true, ft = "ruby" }, - { "leoluz/nvim-dap-go", ft = "go" }, - { "mxsdev/nvim-dap-vscode-js", ft = "javascript" }, - { "nvimdev/lspsaga.nvim", event = "LspAttach" }, - { "Wansmer/treesj", event = "LspAttach" }, - { "is0n/jaq-nvim", event = "LspAttach" }, - { "j-hui/fidget.nvim", config = true, event = "LspAttach" }, - { "sainnhe/edge", event = "VeryLazy" }, - { - "sainnhe/everforest", - event = "VeryLazy", - config = function() - vim.g.everforest_background = 'hard' - end, - }, - { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", event = "VeryLazy" }, - { "stevearc/dressing.nvim", event = "VeryLazy" }, - { "hrsh7th/nvim-cmp", event = "VeryLazy" }, - { "hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp", event = "LspAttach" }, - { "hrsh7th/cmp-buffer", event = "InsertEnter" }, - { "hrsh7th/cmp-path", event = "InsertEnter" }, - { "hrsh7th/cmp-vsnip", event = "InsertEnter" }, - { "hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline", event = "ModeChanged" }, - { "hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help", event = "LspAttach" }, - { "hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp-document-symbol", event = "LspAttach" }, - { "onsails/lspkind.nvim", event = "LspAttach" }, - { "hrsh7th/vim-vsnip", event = "InsertEnter" }, - { "hrsh7th/vim-vsnip-integ", event = "InsertEnter" }, - { "rafamadriz/friendly-snippets", event = "InsertEnter" }, - { "zbirenbaum/copilot-cmp", config = true, event = "InsertEnter" }, - { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter", event = { "BufReadPost", "BufNewFile" } }, - { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-refactor", event = "BufRead" }, - { "yioneko/nvim-yati", event = "BufRead" }, - { "windwp/nvim-autopairs", config = true, event = "InsertEnter" }, - { "windwp/nvim-ts-autotag", config = true, event = "InsertEnter" }, - { "HiPhish/rainbow-delimiters.nvim", event = "VeryLazy" }, - { "andymass/vim-matchup", event = "BufRead" }, - { "lambdalisue/suda.vim", cmd = { "SudaWrite", "SudaRead" } }, - { "jghauser/mkdir.nvim", event = "ModeChanged" }, - { "shellRaining/hlchunk.nvim", config = true, event = "BufReadPost" }, - { "kevinhwang91/nvim-hlslens", event = "VeryLazy" }, - { "akinsho/git-conflict.nvim", version = "*", config = true, cmd = "GitConflictListQf" }, - { "numToStr/Comment.nvim", config = true, event = "VeryLazy" }, - { "rhysd/clever-f.vim", keys = { "f", "F", "t", "T" } }, - { "echasnovski/mini.surround", event = "ModeChanged" }, - { "echasnovski/", event = "ModeChanged" }, - { "mvllow/modes.nvim", event = "VeryLazy" }, - { "monaqa/dial.nvim", event = "VeryLazy" }, - { "tpope/vim-repeat", event = "VeryLazy" }, - { "nvim-zh/colorful-winsep.nvim", config = true, event = "WinNew" }, - { "kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf", ft = "qf" }, - { "vim-jp/vimdoc-ja", ft = "help" }, - { "zbirenbaum/copilot.lua", cmd = "Copilot" }, - { "CopilotC-Nvim/CopilotChat.nvim", build = "make tiktoken" }, - - --non-lazy - { "vim-denops/denops.vim", lazy = false }, - { "yuki-yano/fuzzy-motion.vim", lazy = false }, - { "lambdalisue/gin.vim", lazy = false }, - { "rbtnn/vim-ambiwidth", lazy = false }, - { "lambdalisue/kensaku-search.vim", lazy = false }, - { "lambdalisue/kensaku.vim", lazy = false }, - { "brenoprata10/nvim-highlight-colors", lazy = false }, - - --disable default plugins - performance = { - rtp = { - disable_plugins = { - "netrw", - "netrwPlugin", - "netrwSettings", - "netrwFileHandlers", - "gzip", - "zip", - "zipPlugin", - "tar", - "tarPlugin", - "getscript", - "getscriptPlugin", - "vimball", - "vimballPlugin", - "2html_plugin", - "logipat", - "rrhelper", - "spellfile_plugin", - "sql_completion", - }, - }, - }, -}) - ---lualine -require("lualine").setup({ - options = { - icons_enabled = true, - component_separators = { left = "", right = "" }, - section_separators = { left = "", right = "" }, - disabled_filetypes = { "TelescopePrompt" }, - always_divide_middle = true, - colored = false, - globalstatus = true, - }, - sections = { - lualine_a = { "" }, - lualine_b = { "branch", "diff" }, - lualine_c = { - { - "filename", - path = 1, - file_status = true, - shorting_target = 40, - symbols = { - modified = "[+]", - readonly = "[RO]", - unnamed = "Untitled", - }, - }, - }, - lualine_x = { "filetype" }, - lualine_y = { - { - "diagnostics", - source = { "nvim-lsp" }, - }, - { "progress" }, - { "location" }, - }, - lualine_z = { "" }, - }, - inactive_sections = { - lualine_a = {}, - lualine_b = {}, - lualine_c = { "filename" }, - lualine_x = { "location" }, - lualine_y = {}, - lualine_z = {}, - }, - tabline = {}, - extensions = {}, -}) - ---telescope -require("telescope").setup({ - defaults = { - preview = { - treesitter = false, - }, - borderchars = { "─", "│", "─", "│", "┌", "┐", "┘", "└" }, - color_devicons = true, - file_ignore_patterns = { "node_modules", ".git", ".cache", ".svg", ".npm", "go" }, - mappings = { - i = { - [""] = require("telescope.actions").close, - }, - }, - }, - - vimgrep_arguments = { - "rg", - "--color=never", - "--no-heading", - "--smart-case", - "-uu", - }, - - extensions = { - fzf = { - fuzzy = true, - override_generic_sorter = true, - override_file_sorter = true, - case_mode = "smart_case", - }, - }, -}) - -vim.keymap.set("n", ".", "Telescope find_files hidden=true") -vim.keymap.set("n", ",", "Telescope oldfiles") -vim.keymap.set("n", "l", "Telescope live_grep grep_open_files=true") -vim.keymap.set("n", "k", "Telescope live_grep") -vim.keymap.set("n", "b", "Telescope buffers") -vim.keymap.set("n", "h", "Telescope help_tags") -vim.keymap.set("n", "y", "Telescope registers") -vim.keymap.set("n", "n", "Telescope lsp_references") -vim.keymap.set("n", "j", "Telescope diagnostics") -vim.keymap.set("n", "s", "Telescope lsp_document_symbols") -vim.keymap.set("n", "f", "Telescope file_browser") - -local fb_actions = require("telescope").extensions.file_browser.actions -local previewers = require("telescope.previewers") -local Job = require("plenary.job") -local new_maker = function(filepath, bufnr, opts) - filepath = vim.fn.expand(filepath) - Job:new({ - command = "file", - args = { "--mime-type", "-b", filepath }, - on_exit = function(j) - local mime_type = vim.split(j:result()[1], "/")[1] - if mime_type == "text" then - previewers.buffer_previewer_maker(filepath, bufnr, opts) - else - vim.schedule(function() - vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, { "BINARY" }) - end) - end - end, - }):sync() -end - ---LSP -require("lspsaga").setup({ - symbol_in_winbar = { - enable = true, - }, - ui = { - border = "single", - title = false, - }, - lightbulb = { - enable = false, - }, - diagnostic = { - diagnostic_only_current = false, - }, -}) - -local on_attach = function(client, bufnr) - client.server_capabilities.documentFormattingProvider = false - local set = vim.keymap.set - set("n", "K", "Lspsaga hover_doc") - set("n", "r", "Lspsaga rename") - set("n", "c", "Lspsaga code_action") - set("n", "e", "Lspsaga show_line_diagnostics") - set("n", "[", "Lspsaga diagnostic_jump_prev") - set("n", "]", "Lspsaga diagnostic_jump_next") -end -vim.diagnostic.config({ virtual_text = false }) -local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities() -capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport = true -require("mason").setup() -require("mason-null-ls").setup({ - ensure_installed = { "prettierd", "rubocop", "stylua", "shfmt" }, - handlers = {}, -}) -require("mason-nvim-dap").setup({ - ensure_installed = {}, - handlers = {}, -}) -require("mason-lspconfig").setup() -require("mason-lspconfig").setup_handlers({ - function(server_name) - require("lspconfig")[server_name].setup({ - on_attach = on_attach, - capabilities = capabilities, - }) - end, -}) - ---none-ls -local status, null_ls = pcall(require, "null-ls") -if not status then - return -end -null_ls.setup() -vim.keymap.set("n", "p", function() - vim.lsp.buf.format({ async = true }) -end) - ---DAP -local function map(mode, lhs, rhs, opts) - local options = { noremap = true } - if opts then - options = vim.tbl_extend("force", options, opts) - end - vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, options) -end - -map("n", "1", ":lua require'dap'.continue()", { silent = true }) -map("n", "2", ":lua require'dap'.step_over()", { silent = true }) -map("n", "3", ":lua require'dap'.step_into()", { silent = true }) -map("n", "4", ":lua require'dap'.step_out()", { silent = true }) -map("n", ";", ":lua require'dap'.toggle_breakpoint()", { silent = true }) -map("n", "'", ":lua require'dap'.set_breakpoint(vim.fn.input('Breakpoint condition: '))", { silent = true }) -map( - "n", - "i", - ":lua require'dap'.set_breakpoint(nil, nil, vim.fn.input('Log point message: '))", - { silent = true } -) -map("n", "d", ":lua require'dapui'.toggle()", { silent = true }) -map("n", "d", ":lua require'dapui'.eval()", { silent = true }) - ----DAP-UI -require("dapui").setup({ - icons = { expanded = "▾", collapsed = "▸", current_frame = "▸" }, - mappings = { - expand = { "", "<2-LeftMouse>" }, - open = "o", - remove = "d", - edit = "e", - repl = "r", - toggle = "t", - }, - expand_lines = vim.fn.has("nvim-0.7") == 1, - layouts = { - { - elements = { - { id = "scopes", size = 0.25 }, - "breakpoints", - "stacks", - "watches", - }, - size = 40, - position = "left", - }, - { - elements = { - "repl", - }, - size = 0.25, - position = "bottom", - }, - }, - controls = { - enabled = true, - element = "repl", - icons = { - pause = "", - play = "", - step_into = "", - step_over = "", - step_out = "", - step_back = "", - run_last = "↻", - terminate = "□", - }, - }, - floating = { - max_height = nil, - max_width = nil, - border = "single", - mappings = { - close = { "q", "" }, - }, - }, - windows = { indent = 1 }, - render = { - max_type_length = nil, - max_value_lines = 100, - }, -}) - ----jaq-nvim -require("jaq-nvim").setup({ - cmds = { - internal = { - lua = "luafile %", - vim = "source %", - }, - external = { - sh = "sh %", - ruby = "ruby %", - go = "go run %", - javascript = "node %", - }, - }, - - behavior = { - default = "float", - startinsert = false, - wincmd = false, - autosave = false, - }, - - ui = { - float = { - border = "none", - winhl = "Normal", - borderhl = "FloatBorder", - winblend = 0, - height = 0.8, - width = 0.8, - x = 0.5, - y = 0.5, - }, - - terminal = { - position = "bot", - size = 10, - line_no = false, - }, - quickfix = { - position = "bot", - size = 10, - }, - }, -}) - -vim.keymap.set("n", "x", ":Jaq", { silent = true }) - ---nvim-cmp -local cmp = require("cmp") -local lspkind = require("lspkind") - -cmp.setup({ - snippet = { - expand = function(args) - vim.fn["vsnip#anonymous"](args.body) - end, - }, - - window = { - completion = cmp.config.window.bordered({ - border = "none", - }), - documentation = cmp.config.window.bordered({ - border = "none", - }), - }, - - mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.insert({ - [""] = cmp.mapping.select_next_item(), - [""] = cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(), - [""] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4), - [""] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4), - [""] = cmp.mapping.complete(), - [""] = cmp.mapping.abort(), - [""] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true }), - }), - - formatting = { - format = lspkind.cmp_format({ - mode = "symbol", - maxwidth = 50, - ellipsis_char = "...", - symbol_map = { Copilot = "" }, - }), - }, - - sources = cmp.config.sources({ - { name = "nvim_lsp", max_item_count = 15, keyword_length = 2 }, - { name = "vsnip", max_item_count = 15, keyword_length = 2 }, - { name = "copilot", max_item_count = 15, keyword_length = 2 }, - { name = "nvim_lsp_signature_help" }, - { name = "buffer", max_item_count = 15, keyword_length = 2 }, - }), -}) - -cmp.setup.cmdline({ "/", "?" }, { - mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.cmdline(), - sources = cmp.config.sources({ - { name = "nvim_lsp_document_symbol" }, - }, { - { name = "buffer" }, - }), -}) - -cmp.setup.cmdline(":", { - mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.cmdline(), - sources = cmp.config.sources({ - { name = "path" }, - }, { - { name = "cmdline", keyword_length = 2 }, - }), -}) - -local capabilities = require("cmp_nvim_lsp").default_capabilities() -vim.cmd("let g:vsnip_filetypes = {}") - -local has_words_before = function() - if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "buftype") == "prompt" then - return false - end - local line, col = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)) - return col ~= 0 and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_text(0, line - 1, 0, line - 1, col, {})[1]:match("^%s*$") == nil -end -cmp.setup({ - mapping = { - [""] = vim.schedule_wrap(function(fallback) - if cmp.visible() and has_words_before() then - cmp.select_next_item({ behavior = cmp.SelectBehavior.Select }) - else - fallback() - end - end), - }, -}) - ---nvim-treesitter -require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup({ - highlight = { - enable = true, - disable = { "help", "markdown", "toml" }, - }, - refactor = { - highlight_defintions = { - enable = true, - }, - }, - indent = { - enable = true, - }, - yati = { - enable = false, - }, - matchup = { - enable = true, - enable_quotes = true, - }, - ensure_installed = "all", -}) - ---nvim-ts-autotag -require("nvim-ts-autotag").setup() -vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/publishDiagnostics"] = vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, { - underline = true, - update_in_insert = true, -}) - ---treesj -local tsj = require("treesj") -tsj.setup({ - use_default_keymaps = false, -}) -vim.keymap.set("n", "z", require("treesj").toggle) - ---rainbow-delimiters -require("rainbow-delimiters.setup").setup() - ---hlchunk -require("hlchunk").setup({ - chunk = { - enable = true, - }, - indent = { - enable = true, - }, -}) - ---nvim-bqf -require("bqf").setup({ - preview = { - border = "single", - }, -}) - -vim.keymap.set("n", "5", [[:vimgrep /\w\+/j % | copen]], { noremap = true, silent = true }) - ---dressing -require("dressing").setup({ - input = { - border = "single", - }, - builtin = { - border = "single", - }, -}) - ---modes -require("modes").setup({ - colors = { - copy = "#FFEE55", - delete = "#DC669B", - insert = "#55AAEE", - visual = "#DD5522", - }, -}) - ---colorful-winsep -require("colorful-winsep").setup({ - highlight = { - bg = "", - fg = "#E8AEAA", - }, -}) - ---nvim-highlight-colors -require("nvim-highlight-colors").setup({ - render = "background", - enable_named_colors = false, - enable_tailwind = true, -}) - ---nvim-hlslens -require("hlslens").setup() -local kopts = { noremap = true, silent = true } - -vim.keymap.set( - "n", - "n", - [[execute('normal! ' . v:count1 . 'n')lua require('hlslens').start()]], - kopts -) -vim.keymap.set( - "n", - "N", - [[execute('normal! ' . v:count1 . 'N')lua require('hlslens').start()]], - kopts -) -vim.keymap.set("n", "*", [[*lua require('hlslens').start()]], kopts) -vim.keymap.set("n", "#", [[#lua require('hlslens').start()]], kopts) -vim.keymap.set("n", "g*", [[g*lua require('hlslens').start()]], kopts) -vim.keymap.set("n", "g#", [[g#lua require('hlslens').start()]], kopts) -vim.keymap.set("n", "", ":nohl", kopts) - ---fuzzy-motion -vim.keymap.set("n", "S", "FuzzyMotion") -vim.cmd("let g:fuzzy_motion_matchers = ['kensaku', 'fzf']") - ---kensaku-search -vim.keymap.set("c", "", "(kensaku-search-replace)") - ---clever-f -vim.cmd("let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 1") -vim.cmd("let g:clever_f_ignore_case = 1") -vim.cmd("let g:clever_f_smart_case = 1") -vim.cmd("let g:clever_f_chars_match_any_signs = ';'") -vim.cmd("let g:clever_f_use_migemo = 1") - ---mini.surround -require("mini.surround").setup({ - mappings = { - highlight = "sx", - }, - custom_surroundings = { - ["{"] = { - input = { "%b{}", "^.().*().$" }, - output = { left = "{", right = "}" }, - }, - ["}"] = { - input = { "%b{}", "^.%{().*()%}.$" }, - output = { left = "{{", right = "}}" }, - }, - ["("] = { - input = { "%b()", "^.().*().$" }, - output = { left = "(", right = ")" }, - }, - [")"] = { - input = { "%b()", "^.%(().*()%).$" }, - output = { left = "((", right = "))" }, - }, - ["["] = { - input = { "%b[]", "^.().*().$" }, - output = { left = "[", right = "]" }, - }, - ["]"] = { - input = { "%b[]", "^.%[().*()%].$" }, - output = { left = "[[", right = "]]" }, - }, - ["<"] = { - input = { "%b<>", "^.().*().$" }, - output = { left = "<", right = ">" }, - }, - [">"] = { - input = { "%b[]", "^.<().*()>.$" }, - output = { left = "<<", right = ">>" }, - }, - ["j"] = { - input = function() - local ok, val = pcall(vim.fn.getchar) - if not ok then - return - end - local char = vim.fn.nr2char(val) - - local dict = { - ["("] = { "(().-())" }, - ["{"] = { "{().-()}" }, - ["["] = { "「().-()」" }, - ["]"] = { "『().-()』" }, - ["<"] = { "<().-()>" }, - ['"'] = { "”().-()”" }, - } - - if char == "b" then - local ret = {} - for _, v in pairs(dict) do - table.insert(ret, v) - end - return { ret } - end - - if dict[char] then - return dict[char] - end - - error("%s is unsupported surroundings in Japanese") - end, - output = function() - local ok, val = pcall(vim.fn.getchar) - if not ok then - return - end - local char = vim.fn.nr2char(val) - - local dict = { - ["("] = { left = "(", right = ")" }, - ["{"] = { left = "{", right = "}" }, - ["["] = { left = "「", right = "」" }, - ["]"] = { left = "『", right = "』" }, - ["<"] = { left = "<", right = ">" }, - ['"'] = { left = "”", right = "”" }, - } - - if not dict[char] then - error("%s is unsupported surroundings in Japanese") - end - - return dict[char] - end, - }, - }, -}) - -require("").setup({ - custom_textobjects = { - ["{"] = { "%b{}", "^.().*().$" }, - ["}"] = { "%b{}", "^.%{().*()%}.$" }, - ["("] = { "%b()", "^.().*().$" }, - [")"] = { "%b()", "^.%(().*()%).$" }, - ["["] = { "%b[]", "^.().*().$" }, - ["]"] = { "%b[]", "^.%[().*()%].$" }, - [""] = { "%b<", "^.().*().$" }, - [">"] = { "%b", "^.().*().$" }, - ["j"] = function() - local ok, val = pcall(vim.fn.getchar) - if not ok then - return - end - local char = vim.fn.nr2char(val) - - local dict = { - ["("] = { "(().-())" }, - ["{"] = { "{().-()}" }, - ["["] = { "「().-()」" }, - ["]"] = { "『().-()』" }, - ["<"] = { "<().-()>" }, - ['"'] = { "”().-()”" }, - } - - if char == "b" then - local ret = {} - for _, v in pairs(dict) do - table.insert(ret, v) - end - return { ret } - end - - if dict[char] then - return dict[char] - end - - error("%s is unsupported textobjects in Japanese") - end, - }, -}) - ---dial -vim.keymap.set("n", "", require("").inc_normal(), { noremap = true }) -vim.keymap.set("n", "", require("").dec_normal(), { noremap = true }) -vim.keymap.set("v", "", require("").inc_visual(), { noremap = true }) -vim.keymap.set("v", "", require("").dec_visual(), { noremap = true }) -vim.keymap.set("v", "g", require("").inc_gvisual(), { noremap = true }) -vim.keymap.set("v", "g", require("").dec_gvisual(), { noremap = true }) - ---gin -vim.keymap.set("n", "gs", ":GitStatus", { silent = true }) -vim.keymap.set("n", "ga", ":Gin add .", { silent = true }) -vim.keymap.set("n", "gc", ":Gin commit -m ") -vim.keymap.set("n", "gp", ":Gin push") - ---copilot -local select = require("") - -require("copilot").setup({ - suggestion = { enabled = false }, - panel = { enabled = false }, - filetypes = { - markdown = false, - text = false, - }, -}) - -require("CopilotChat").setup({ - debug = true, - - window = { - layout = "float", - relative = "editor", - }, - prompts = { - Explain = { - prompt = "/COPILOT_EXPLAIN 選択されたコードの説明を段落をつけて書いてください。", - }, - Review = { - prompt = "/COPILOT_REVIEW 選択されたコードをレビューしてください。", - callback = function(response, source) end, - }, - Fix = { - prompt = "/COPILOT_FIX このコードには問題があります。バグを修正したコードに書き直してください。", - }, - Optimize = { - prompt = "/COPILOT_REFACTOR 選択されたコードを最適化してパフォーマンスと可読性を向上させてください。", - }, - Docs = { - prompt = "/COPILOT_DOCS 選択されたコードに対してドキュメンテーションコメントを追加してください。", - }, - Tests = { - prompt = "/COPILOT_TESTS 選択されたコードの詳細な単体テスト関数を書いてください。", - }, - FixDiagnostic = { - prompt = "ファイル内の次のような診断上の問題を解決してください:", - selection = select.diagnostics, - }, - }, -}) - -function CopilotChatBuffer() - local input = vim.fn.input("Quick Chat: ") - if input ~= "" then - require("CopilotChat").ask(input, { selection = require("").buffer }) - end -end - -vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "9", "lua CopilotChatBuffer()", { noremap = true, silent = true }) - -function ShowCopilotChatActionPrompt() - local actions = require("CopilotChat.actions") - require("CopilotChat.integrations.telescope").pick(actions.prompt_actions()) -end - -vim.api.nvim_set_keymap( - "n", - "0", - "lua ShowCopilotChatActionPrompt()", - { noremap = true, silent = true } -) - ---OTHER SETTINGS -vim.cmd("colorscheme edge")